• Treatment Options


    broken image
  • ,,Pain has many causes, and finding the cause of your pain is the key to effective pain management. Conditions we often encounter and frequently treat are listed below.


    Neck pain and back pain


    Pelvic/hip pain

    Occipital Neuralgia

    Spinal Stenosis

    Herniated Vertebral Disc


    Neuropathic pain

    Shoulder and knee pain

    …and more…



    Your pain experience is unique, and every person responds differently to treatment.

    For these reasons, we provide a range of medical, therapeutic and pharmacological

    options for your pain management. A few of the treatments we offer are listed



    Selective Nerve Root Block

    Transforaminal Lumbar Epidural

    Medial Branch Blocks

    Thoracic, Cervical and Lumbar Epidural Blocks

    Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks

    Occipital Pain Block

    Radio Frequency Ablation